• season 1

    Incident of the Tumbleweed Wagon

    S01 : E1

  • Incident of the Tumbleweed Wagon

    After a marshal and deputy are wounded and killed, Gil and Rowdy volunteer to finish the delivery of the prison wagon with seven dangerous prisoners to Ft Craig for trial, while the outlaw husband of one prisoner is in pursuit to free her.

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    Episode 1

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  • season 1

    Incident at Alabaster Plain

    S01 : E2

  • Incident at Alabaster Plain

    The drovers stop to fill water barrels at a mission where Rowdy finds his close friend from the Army is getting married. The drovers are invited to the wedding feast that evening but the bride’s stepbrother’s arrival causes complications.

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    Episode 2

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  • season 1

    Incident with an Executioner

    S01 : E3

  • Incident with an Executioner

    The drovers rescue the passengers in a stagecoach that overturns. They learn a gunman known as “The Executioner” was following the coach. Now he is following them while they are with the drovers and no one knows who his target is.

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    Episode 3

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Widowed Dove

    S01 : E4

  • Incident of the Widowed Dove

    The drovers party in a small town but with big consequences. One drover is killed over a crooked roulette wheel and Rowdy quits the drive to help a woman. Rowdy may pay with his life because the woman is the wife of the Marshal.

    Season 1

    Episode 4

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  • season 1

    Incident on the Edge of Madness

    S01 : E5

  • Incident on the Edge of Madness

    The drive is trapped by high water and is approached by a Colonel and a lady looking for men to join his Confederacy of Panama. Fearing his men will leave, Favor tries to cross, losing a man. The men leave not realizing what the Colonel’s plans are.

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    Episode 5

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Power and the Plow

    S01 : E6

  • Incident of the Power and the Plow

    Needing water and grass for the herd Favor has the okay from a rancher until he befriends a Comanche boy with candy. The rancher wants the Comanche lands so he is willing to start an Indian war and sacrifice his only son who he despises.

    Season 1

    Episode 6

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  • season 1

    Incident at Barker Springs

    S01 : E7

  • Incident at Barker Springs

    Trying to push a herd through late in the season is just one of the hurdles facing Gil. A hand who insists on covering his face and a visitor who says his horse came up lame are two others. When he uncovers the truth it may be too late.

    Season 1

    Episode 7

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  • season 1

    Incident West of Lano

    S01 : E8

  • Incident West of Lano

    A dead steer leads Favor to four women sharpshooters with a broken wheel who join the drive to the next town. Their leader finds Favor a man to her liking but a conflict with a wagon train of hides at a river crossing creates problems.

    Season 1

    Episode 8

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Town in Terror

    S01 : E9

  • Incident of the Town in Terror

    Rowdy and two cattle are stricken with a disease similar to deadly anthrax. Some drivers and the nearby townsfolk are frightened, allowing no traffic to the drover camp or out in the direction of town. But one fearless nurse is undeterred.

    Season 1

    Episode 9

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Golden Calf

    S01 : E10

  • Incident of the Golden Calf

    Gil hires on an unusual drover – a preacher run off by his gold-crazed parishioners. Gil’s steer-men constantly try to wheedle the location of the gold-strike from Brother Bent, whose preaching against the worship of Mammon cost him his pulpit. Gil’s much more concerned with a gang of cowboys following the herd, but staying out of sight.

    Season 1

    Episode 10

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Coyote Weed

    S01 : E11

  • Incident of the Coyote Weed

    A band of Mexican bandits send a spy to join the cattle drive and poison the drovers with coyote weed so they can swoop in and steal the herd.

    Season 1

    Episode 11

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Chubasco

    S01 : E12

  • Incident of the Chubasco

    In need of more hands to help get the herd through a dangerous plateau, Gil goes to the nearest town but may not be too happy with the pickins. To top it off he hires an “educated” man who may be hiding something worse than any chubasco.

    Season 1

    Episode 12

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Curious Street

    S01 : E13

  • Incident of the Curious Street

    Favor and Rowdy go after strays but find a deserted town with two women being held hostage by a man and his son who killed their stagecoach driver. It runs into a cat and mouse game between them with one woman changing sides.

    Season 1

    Episode 13

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Dog Days

    S01 : E14

  • Incident of the Dog Days

    Favor is forced to hire several drovers of questionable character. The men question his choices. The herd is facing a dry plain with limited water access. Favor has to decide on the route and his personnel decisions backfire on him.

    Season 1

    Episode 14

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Calico Gun

    S01 : E15

  • Incident of the Calico Gun

    On a long cattle drive, the crew pick up a girl whose parents had just died. Her seeming innocence has both Rowdy and Favor fooled until they get near Silver Springs where all the men are to pick up their pay.

    Season 1

    Episode 15

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Misplaced Indians

    S01 : E16

  • Incident of the Misplaced Indians

    Mr. Favor’s found some dead Indians in front of a house of a woman, who is so shocked, that she can’t say a thing.

    Season 1

    Episode 16

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  • season 1

    Incident of Fear in the Streets

    S01 : E17

  • Incident of Fear in the Streets

    Pete is injured, so Favor and Rowdy into a nearby town for a doctor. Because the town lynched a man the day before, the residents along with Favor and Rowdy are held hostage until the Sheriff and the man who led the lynching are also hung.

    Season 1

    Episode 17

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  • season 1

    Incident Below the Brazos

    S01 : E18

  • Incident Below the Brazos

    Favor and crew drive the herd into an area populated by farmers who have previously waged a range war against cattlemen. A group of farmers warns Favor to keep his men and cattle off farmland, but a thunderstorm causes some of the horses to stampede and a farmer is killed. The man’s death threatens to start a war between the farmers and the drovers.

    Season 1

    Episode 18

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Dry Drive

    S01 : E19

  • Incident of the Dry Drive

    Facing a drought, Favor is being pressured by a corrupt and revengeful acquaintance Jess Hode for first half and then all of his herd for access to water. However, when Hode’s son comes to realize the truth about his dad, he tries to help.

    Season 1

    Episode 19

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  • season 1

    Incident of the Judas Trap

    S01 : E20

  • Incident of the Judas Trap

    A local wolver Gil hires to kill a pack besieging the Rawhiders’ cattle is more dangerous than Canis lupus. Smirking Brad Morgan promised three well-set women to run off with him. Convienently, one just rebuffed the scout Pete’s plea to get back together. The wolf-man sets up Pete to take the fall for murdering saloon owner Nora Sage. While Gil waits for a river up ahead to subside, Morgan lays metal traps for the canyon’s gray wolves.

    Season 1

    Episode 20

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  • season 1

    Incident in No Man’s Land

    S01 : E21

  • Incident in No Man’s Land

    Prisoners break out of prison and try to steal the drovers’ horses.

    Season 1

    Episode 21

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  • season 1

    Incident of a Burst of Evil

    S01 : E22

  • Incident of a Burst of Evil

    A crazed man following the drovers comes into camp for help followed by Rowdy finding three hungry women and a boy alone. A mirror slipped to Rowdy by them causes the people at a trading post to think the drovers are Comancheros.

    Season 1

    Episode 22

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Day of the Dead

    S02 : E1

  • Incident of the Day of the Dead

    Rowdy is tricked into breaking a stallion to pay off a gambling debt by a woman. The horse killed one man and injured others including the daughter of the owner. Rowdy is involved in more than breaking a horse – the break up of a family.

    Season 2

    Episode 1

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Roman Candles

    S02 : E2

  • Incident of the Roman Candles

    Pete and Jim find David Colby shooting Roman candles by the trail. He says he is trying to scare away the Indians that killed his folks and burned them out. He is headed to Eberley to find his uncle but Favor suspects something different.

    Season 2

    Episode 2

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  • season 2

    Incident at Dangerfield Dip

    S02 : E3

  • Incident at Dangerfield Dip

    A dying woman stumbles into the cattle drive. Her husband, a feared gunslinger turned rancher, soon shows up and accuses the drovers of shooting her. Gil and Rowdy fear that their cattle are coming down with a deadly disease, so they turn the herd towards the Ewan and Reese Dangerfield chemical dipping station, on the widowed rancher’s recommendation.

    Season 2

    Episode 3

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Shambling Man

    S02 : E4

  • Incident of the Shambling Man

    When a delusional old man attacks the passing drovers, his daughter-in-law enlists Gil & Rowdy’s help with the powerful ex-boxing champ. The Marshal who made the town safe, is now drunk on his own power, enforcing petty rules to keep the tiniest semblance of trouble out of his jurisdiction. Factoring heavily into the situation is that the daughter-in-law is exquisite and widowed.

    Season 2

    Episode 4

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  • season 2

    Incident at Jacob’s Well

    S02 : E5

  • Incident at Jacob’s Well

    Rowdy is saved from falling down a well by a woman. Later, the woman’s family and friends had to manage to steal the drovers’ horses.

    Season 2

    Episode 5

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  • season 2

    Incident of the 13th Man

    S02 : E6

  • Incident of the 13th Man

    Wishbone, in desperate need of a dentist, finds one in Blanton. Along with Rowdy they both encounter two problems: the doctor is on trial for murder and both of them have been picked to be on the jury. The verdict is the final surprise.

    Season 2

    Episode 6

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  • season 2

    Incident at the Buffalo Smokehouse

    S02 : E7

  • Incident at the Buffalo Smokehouse

    Mr. Favor is stuck in a house, because the owner of the house is attacked by some men.

    Season 2

    Episode 7

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Haunted Hills

    S02 : E8

  • Incident of the Haunted Hills

    Desperate for water, Gil’s drive is forced into a deadly confrontation between the Paneequa tribe and surveyors, over the Lake of the Haunted Hills. The valley’s ghostly winds and geysers are sacred to the tribe, while the U.S. Army survey is headed by a stubborn Indian killer Captain, who orders a Paneequa woman tortured. Gil hopes his drover Tasunka, who left the tribe as a teen, can mediate the dispute with minimal bloodshed, but when Gil finds that the local White settlement Heliotrope is a ghost town due to the dispute, the trail boss tells Rowdy to take over the drive in case he is killed.

    Season 2

    Episode 8

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Stalking Death

    S02 : E9

  • Incident of the Stalking Death

    Gil shoots and wounds a puma while while out scouting for the cattle drive. The puma escaped and kills the young son of a local rancher’s widow. Gil and the guys go on the hunt for the puma along with a friend of the widow (Cesar Romero) who also happens to want to kill Gil because he’s jealous of the attention the widow shows Gil.

    Season 2

    Episode 9

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Valley in Shadow

    S02 : E10

  • Incident of the Valley in Shadow

    Driving a herd through Cheyenne country, Favor finds out some of his hands may have hired on for more than just the beeves. There is a large reward being offered for a white girl who has been missing since she was a small child.

    Season 2

    Episode 10

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Blue Fire

    S02 : E11

  • Incident of the Blue Fire

    In the midst of a thunderstorm and despite his men’s objections, Mr. Favor hires a man who comes across the camp, blamed for bringing bad luck with him, and one bad break follows another.

    Season 2

    Episode 11

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  • season 2

    Incident at Spanish Rock

    S02 : E12

  • Incident at Spanish Rock

    Claiming to represent President Diaz of Mexico, Villegro and his men want to take one of Gil’s men, the son of their biggest enemy, into custody. As they are in Texas and need all hands to drive their herd, Gil is not in favor of doing so.

    Season 2

    Episode 12

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Druid Curse

    S02 : E13

  • Incident of the Druid Curse

    A woman and her father join the drovers, but the drovers don’ t know that they’re cursed by the druids.

    Season 2

    Episode 13

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  • season 2

    Incident at Red River Station

    S02 : E14

  • Incident at Red River Station

    Favor and Rowdy accidentally get the smallpox, and they leave the herd to find vaccine for themselves, and the town around.

    Season 2

    Episode 14

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Devil and His Due

    S02 : E15

  • Incident of the Devil and His Due

    Gil is allowed to continue the cattle drive, despite being accused of murder by the victim’s wife and son, after Rowdy is deputized to guard him. Meanwhile, the real killers, three outlaws, scheme to steal church funds from a priest befriended by Gil and Rowdy.

    Season 2

    Episode 15

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Wanted Painter

    S02 : E16

  • Incident of the Wanted Painter

    The drovers find a painter from back East on their way, whose paintings help the men of a former Army Major map the town in attempt to bust him out of jail. Mr. Favor gets in the way to help justice be served and stop future bloodshed.

    Season 2

    Episode 16

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Tinker’s Dam

    S02 : E17

  • Incident of the Tinker’s Dam

    Wishbone buries his brother “alive” to keep Kiowas from killing him for romancing the stony chief’s wife. T.J. turns out to be a comical embarrassment: a pot fixer whose customers fight to scalp him for his shoddy tinking, which is his ploy for woman chasing. For years, trail cook Wishy’s fellow drovers heard the cook laud his misplaced little brother’s prowess as a warrior, politician, you name it. But angering the Kiowa at the moment is deadly serious, because the tribe is divided over signing a treaty. Young braves oppose old Chief Wankawa inking the doc.

    Season 2

    Episode 17

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Night Horse

    S02 : E18

  • Incident of the Night Horse

    An embittered mustanger known by Gil Favor in his younger days blocks the pass that the herd needs to use to reach a river ford where they can cross safely. The mustanger is haunted by a fierce stallion who killed his son, once a friend of Favor.

    Season 2

    Episode 18

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Sharpshooter

    S02 : E19

  • Incident of the Sharpshooter

    An outlaw usurps a dead man’s identity and he is heading for the next town along with the drovers. When Rowdy gets in the middle of his business he finds himself in serious trouble and it is up to Mr. Favor to figure out a way of saving him.

    Season 2

    Episode 19

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Dust Flower

    S02 : E20

  • Incident of the Dust Flower

    The drovers rescue an injured traveler and his grown daughter, who is sensitive about her unmarried status. The woman flees, but scout Pete Nolan locates her. Upon learning that she can’t face patronizing relatives in the town she’s moving to, Pete decides to accompany her there and pose as her fiancé.

    Season 2

    Episode 20

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  • season 2

    Incident at Sulphur Creek

    S02 : E21

  • Incident at Sulphur Creek

    Horse thieves who have victimized Comanches also strike the drive’s ramuda. Gil sends a group headed by Pete and Rowdy out to purchase replacement mounts. They encounter a preacher on his way to officiate a christening at the Lacey ranch, where he says horses are for sale. The drovers find their own stolen horses corralled there. So do the Comanches, who put the ranch under siege.

    Season 2

    Episode 21

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Champagne Bottles

    S02 : E22

  • Incident of the Champagne Bottles

    It looks like the drovers are moving smoothly until they find a very slow moving wagon on their way, allegedly carrying champagne. As it turns out it was not only champagne and everyone could be in danger.

    Season 2

    Episode 22

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Stargazer

    S02 : E23

  • Incident of the Stargazer

    A woman gets off the stage expecting to meet her husband. But she was let off in the middle of nowhere, a good 30 miles from her home. Pete decides to help her get there but when they arrive, she recognizes everyone except her husband.

    Season 2

    Episode 23

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Dancing Death

    S02 : E24

  • Incident of the Dancing Death

    When the son of a gypsy queen is murdered, she insists one of the drovers did it and demands the killer be found and turned over. Gil rebuffs her, prompting the old woman to predict trouble for the drive, which does start to happen.

    Season 2

    Episode 24

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Arana Sacar

    S02 : E25

  • Incident of the Arana Sacar

    The owner of a remote trading post and his wife are coerced into backing a rustler’s scheme to get the drovers drunk, swipe the herd and sell the beeves to hide skinners.

    Season 2

    Episode 25

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Deserter

    S02 : E26

  • Incident of the Deserter

    While taking a mountain short cut, Wishbone is injured in a fall caused by a bullying ore freighter. He seeks aid in a small mining town, where he becomes attached to a widow, who is the freighter’s fiancée.

    Season 2

    Episode 26

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  • season 2

    Incident of the 100 Amulets

    S02 : E27

  • Incident of the 100 Amulets

    Hey Soos goes to town to visit his mother but, while buying supplies to take to her, he is attacked as the town believe his mother is a witch who has cursed the town.

    Season 2

    Episode 27

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Murder Steer

    S02 : E28

  • Incident of the Murder Steer

    A steer with the word “MURDER” branded on its side, considered an omen of violent death, is seen shortly after four mysterious riders from the same town join the drive.

    Season 2

    Episode 28

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Music Maker

    S02 : E29

  • Incident of the Music Maker

    When Gil receives a nasty wound that becomes seriously infected, he is unaware of a Swiss jack-of-all-trades that has totally unarmed his cowboys. The Swiss has a plan for some of the cattle.

    Season 2

    Episode 29

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Silent Web

    S02 : E30

  • Incident of the Silent Web

    A young girl is so shocked at her father’s murder that she cannot speak. She is taken captive by two escaped convicts.

    Season 2

    Episode 30

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  • season 2

    Incident of the Last Chance

    S02 : E31

  • Incident of the Last Chance

    Gil takes a protective interest in a stranded tenderfoot couple. Rowdy is interested in the wife.

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    Episode 31

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  • season 2

    Incident in the Garden of Eden

    S02 : E32

  • Incident in the Garden of Eden

    Rowdy leaves to buy cattle to replenish the herd. He comes to a town of an eccentric English patriarch living with his beautiful daughter. Rowdy doesn’t understand why he seems so afraid to sell the cattle without his foreman’s permission.

    Season 2

    Episode 32

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  • season 3

    Incident at Rojo Canyon

    S03 : E1

  • Incident at Rojo Canyon

    Not knowing the Civil War is long over, a Confederate battalion defends an isolated canyon, as Gil’s drive approaches. Following the cattle drive is a U.S. cavalry squadron, dispatched to stop mysterious raids on local farms. The green, young cavalry don’t know the raiders are CSA veterans who are well dug in and itchy for serious battle. The much older U.S. cavalry sergeant looks suspiciously familiar to drover Jim Quince, who fought under flamboyant rebel General Jeb Stuart.

    Season 3

    Episode 1

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Challenge

    S03 : E2

  • Incident of the Challenge

    Aztec Mitla saves Gil’s life from a dust storm, in the last steps of his 1500 mile walk to find a legendary princess to save his village in Mexico. Gil accompanies Mitla to the nearest town, and both seem to discover what they desperately need: water for Gil’s dying cattle, and a gorgeous raven-tressed b-girl wearing a necklace of Mexican coins. But the saloon dancer’s married lover, the town’s mayor, stands defiantly in the way of both quests.

    Season 3

    Episode 2

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  • season 3

    Incident at Dragoon Crossing

    S03 : E3

  • Incident at Dragoon Crossing

    Favor is taking a short but very tough route which the men question. Another trail boss John Cord tells Favor he is wrong. When Favor becomes sick, he asks Cord to take over but the men question Cord’s motives.

    Season 3

    Episode 3

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Night Visitor

    S03 : E4

  • Incident of the Night Visitor

    Following the death of his mother, 12 year-old Joey Gardner sets out in search of the father who left him at birth. The only clues he has to his identity are that he is a drover, has a scar below his left ear and his initials are G.F.

    Season 3

    Episode 4

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Slavemaster

    S03 : E5

  • Incident of the Slavemaster

    Confederate prison commandant is shot by a wife whose Union soldier husband disappeared after the War Between the States. She tracked the ex-warden down because she believes her spouse is still alive, so he tries to soothe her, saying he released all his POWs. Trail boss Gil, who fought for the South, intervenes between the livid woman and the reptilian jailer turned wealthy cotton planter, but then Gil’s drovers find the woman dead.

    Season 3

    Episode 5

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  • season 3

    Incident on the Road to Yesterday

    S03 : E6

  • Incident on the Road to Yesterday

    Reformed thief Ralph Bartlett is determined to repay all his victims. Gil Favor is the second last name on the list. The last victim lives in a nearby town where unknown to Bartlett, he is wanted for murder.

    Season 3

    Episode 6

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  • season 3

    Incident at Superstition Prairie

    S03 : E7

  • Incident at Superstition Prairie

    Wishbone finds an old Indian who has been left in a cave to die by his tribe. Against the advice of others on the drive, he takes the man out and tries to bring him back to his tribe. But the tribe feels that their custom has been insulted and won’t take him back, putting the blame on the entire cattle drive.

    Season 3

    Episode 7

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  • season 3

    Incident at Poco Tiempo

    S03 : E8

  • Incident at Poco Tiempo

    Rowdy and Jim, approached by a makeshift posse, are asked a lot of questions but not given many answers. Taken to the town they were headed anyway it is mostly burnt; the bank robbed, a local priest killed and they look good for all of it.

    Season 3

    Episode 8

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Captive

    S03 : E9

  • Incident of the Captive

    Mushy’s no-nonsense mom foils a stage robbery on her way to see him. Martha Mushgrove pulled down one highwayman’s mask to slap him, so the robbers track her to eliminate a witness. Meanwhile her son, all-thumbs Harkness Mushgrove III begs Gil to train him to be a drover, to impress Mom.

    Season 3

    Episode 9

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Buffalo Soldier

    S03 : E10

  • Incident of the Buffalo Soldier

    The trail crew meet up with a troop of buffalo soldiers – usually freed slaves recruited post Civil War for the US cavalry out west. A rebellious, former sergeant (played by Woody Strode), repeatedly busted down to private for various infractions, is befriended by Rowdy Yates (Clint Eastwood). Killing a fellow soldier in self-defense, the distrusting rebel runs, taking Rowdy’s horse. Rowdy is forced to pursue him, hoping he will give himself up.

    Season 3

    Episode 10

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Broken Word

    S03 : E11

  • Incident of the Broken Word

    Rancher Ben Foley is trying to sell off his herd to Favor in bad faith. Meanwhile, drover Frank Price is falsely accused of murder.

    Season 3

    Episode 11

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  • season 3

    Incident at the Top of the World

    S03 : E12

  • Incident at the Top of the World

    Robert Culp plays as a Civil War veteran named Craig Kern, who has become addicted to morphine after it was used on him during treatment of a war injury. The head of a Kansas veteran’s hospital asks the trail boss to take Kern on as a drover so he can reconnect with the world. Kern decides to try and kick his addiction on the trail. Oh, and the men are trying to stay ahead of a vicious winter storm. As an added complication, Kern’s fiancé (Jan Shepard) joins the drive, determined to be with him despite the repeated warning that a cattle drive is “no place for a woman.”

    Season 3

    Episode 12

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  • season 3

    Incident Near the Promised Land

    S03 : E13

  • Incident Near the Promised Land

    The drive reaches Sedalia but Favor’s problems are just beginning. A bank crash back east has wiped out all the cattle buyers and the only viable grazing land is owned by embittered widow Emma Cardwell who is intent on bankrupting Favor.

    Season 3

    Episode 13

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Big Blowout

    S03 : E14

  • Incident of the Big Blowout

    Gil & crew reach trail’s end in Sedalia, but Gil’s hard drinking is not to celebrate: his fiancée has married another. Waiting for one drover is his own beautiful fiancée, closely tracked by a short-tempered bounty hunter. Gil’s approached by another trail boss with a local ranching opportunity. Will Gil return to Philly, stay in Missouri, or meet his men at Chickenfeather Siding for another drive?

    Season 3

    Episode 14

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Fish Out of Water

    S03 : E15

  • Incident of the Fish Out of Water

    Gil visits his 2 daughters in Philadelphia. On the train, he encounters an Indian. Gil sees the Indian from the train in a wagon with handcuffs on. He discovers the man is a prisoner. With help from Pete and Wishbone, Gil decides to break him out. Both Gil and Eleanor learn about raising the girls.

    Season 3

    Episode 15

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  • season 3

    Incident on the Road Back

    S03 : E16

  • Incident on the Road Back

    The men are back together and headed to San Antonio with a herd of horses.

    Season 3

    Episode 16

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  • season 3

    Incident of the New Start

    S03 : E17

  • Incident of the New Start

    Favor is ramrod instead of trail boss to save his men’s jobs. The trail boss is an older rancher trying to prove he is “king of the hill” to everyone including his young wife. He won’t listen to Favor and his wife leaves with a drover.

    Season 3

    Episode 17

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Running Iron

    S03 : E18

  • Incident of the Running Iron

    While herding strays, Quince comes across a man altering brands. Before Quince can pursue him a posse comes upon the site and charges Quince with rustling. Gil and Rowdy have only hours clear him before Quince faces a vigilante court.

    Season 3

    Episode 18

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  • season 3

    Incident Near Gloomy River

    S03 : E19

  • Incident Near Gloomy River

    A dry water hole forces Rowdy and Dan Fletcher who knows the area to investigate. A dam has temporally cutoff the water adding to the feud between Cal Fletcher and Frank Travis. Dan’s return ignites Cal’s hatred for Dan and love for Flora.

    Season 3

    Episode 19

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Boomerang

    S03 : E20

  • Incident of the Boomerang

    Entering dangerous Comanche Territory is a herd bound for Australia, whose only drovers are a wizened Ozzie, his stunning fiancée, and a huge Aboriginal. Gil helps strike a bargain with the Comanche chief for safe passage, but when a cowboy, having escaped from prison, is rejected as a drover, he offers the chief a scheme to seize both herds. The cowboy’s half Comanche, and the Australian fiancée’s his former grifting partner.

    Season 3

    Episode 20

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  • season 3

    Incident of His Brother’s Keeper

    S03 : E21

  • Incident of His Brother’s Keeper

    Pete Nolan takes an injured Wishbone to Mineral Springs for some rest only to find himself in the middle of a romantic feud between a paralyzed rancher, his wife and brother when Pete is asked to escort the wife to a barn dance.

    Season 3

    Episode 21

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  • season 3

    Incident in the Middle of Nowhere

    S03 : E22

  • Incident in the Middle of Nowhere

    Favor and Rowdy looking for grazing and water in the Lost Mountains find their path blocked by Indians and an old white man. They hire a guide but he is killed after a lost woman joins them. She has friends that put the group in danger.

    Season 3

    Episode 22

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Phantom Bugler

    S03 : E23

  • Incident of the Phantom Bugler

    At a river the drovers are startled by a bugle and stopped by a group of Jayhawkers wanting $5 per head to cross the river. They are lead by a Judge who has conned his son-in-law into thinking they own the land and are acting legally.

    Season 3

    Episode 23

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Lost Idol

    S03 : E24

  • Incident of the Lost Idol

    The drovers come across a teenage brother and sister and their ill dying mother, alone on the trail. The family had planned to relocate to the East to elude the outlaw father who had just escaped from jail and is evading bounty hunters.

    Season 3

    Episode 24

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Running Man

    S03 : E25

  • Incident of the Running Man

    Rowdy gets involved in intrigue as he tries to warn an Army outpost about an impending outlaw attack.

    Season 3

    Episode 25

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Painted Lady

    S03 : E26

  • Incident of the Painted Lady

    Favor’s herd is held for ransom by a town who lost $15,000 to Texas drover Thad Clemens. Favor finds him in a nearby town where it appears he lost the money to lady saloon owner. However, Favor finds the situation is much more complicated.

    Season 3

    Episode 26

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  • season 3

    Incident Before Black Pass

    S03 : E27

  • Incident Before Black Pass

    Rowdy and Pete are taken hostage by Kiowas who want safe passage to Black Pass from the Army for their Chief. A scared fortune telling drover causes problems when tells on Favor to the Army and a rancher wanting revenge for his wife.

    Season 3

    Episode 27

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Blackstorms

    S03 : E28

  • Incident of the Blackstorms

    When the law refused to act against his wife’s murderer because she was the wife of an Indian, Dr. Sky Blackstorm turned to a life of crime. Now he is returning to town and uses Pete and Mushy as pawns to regain custody of his son.

    Season 3

    Episode 28

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Night on the Town

    S03 : E29

  • Incident of the Night on the Town

    A femme fatale sues Gil for part of his herd. The widow’s foreman, fast gun Rance scares everybody, while her tricky lawyer Lewis Lewis hogties Gil in court. The drovers itch to shoot their way out, but Gil sets another scheme off.

    Season 3

    Episode 29

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  • season 3

    Incident of the Wager on Payday

    S03 : E30

  • Incident of the Wager on Payday

    Rowdy is framed for murder when a young practical joker’s scheme to rob his father’s bank takes a tragic turn.

    Season 3

    Episode 30

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  • season 4

    Rio Salado

    S04 : E1

  • Rio Salado

    Favor has been hired to drive a new herd but the appearance of Rowdy’s dad is an unpleasant surprise for Rowdy. His dad frames Rowdy to force a local bandit with a $5000 reward into the open. He collects but Favor loses his herd over it.

    Season 4

    Episode 1

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  • season 4

    The Sendoff

    S04 : E2

  • The Sendoff

    While gathering mavericks in deep brush, Favor discovers the remnants of a wagon train destroyed by Comanches along with 12 graves. Some are looking for a a survivor including a woman whose son was killed and the man helping her.

    Season 4

    Episode 2

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  • season 4

    The Long Shakedown

    S04 : E3

  • The Long Shakedown

    Favor pushes the men hard to shake out those who won’t make it. This time the old hands may be the ones who can’t cut it compared to a group of young and eager hands he hired. The old hands quit and the new hands show how green they are.

    Season 4

    Episode 3

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  • season 4

    Judgment at Hondo Seco

    S04 : E4

  • Judgment at Hondo Seco

    Drover Jim Quince’s niece begs for his help in keeping her fiancé from being tried for murder by her bitter father. Her father has become a hanging judge, following the accidental shooting of his wife. When Judge Quince sent a posse to keep the young couple from eloping, a member of the group fired at the fiancé, who killed him in self defense.

    Season 4

    Episode 4

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  • season 4

    The Lost Tribe

    S04 : E5

  • The Lost Tribe

    With Rowdy, Quince, Hey Soos, and Nolan who was married to one of them earlier as their reluctant guide, a breakaway group of Cheyenne Indians flee an oppressive reservation and head for Mexico – with a posse in hot pursuit.

    Season 4

    Episode 5

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  • season 4

    The Inside Man

    S04 : E6

  • The Inside Man

    Favor picks up 750 head from a cattle dealer but a single drover arrives with the herd. He is a talented drover who rubs the men the wrong way. He and the dealer plan to steal Favor’s herd until he meets a runaway woman on the drive.

    Season 4

    Episode 6

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  • season 4

    The Black Sheep

    S04 : E7

  • The Black Sheep

    Rowdy escorts an injured sheepman and his flock to a nearby town. However, when the town’s residents think he is one of the sheepmen, Rowdy finds himself on the receiving end of the same kind of treatment he used to dish out to sheepmen.

    Season 4

    Episode 7

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  • season 4

    The Prairie Elephant

    S04 : E8

  • The Prairie Elephant

    A lost circus with an elephant and lion is scaring the herd and horses. Favor sends Wishbone to guide the circus to their destination. Wishbone becomes involved in a fiery romantic triangle as he guides them to Brailey.

    Season 4

    Episode 8

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  • season 4

    The Little Fishes

    S04 : E9

  • The Little Fishes

    As Favor picks up 700 cattle, the owner tells him a financial crisis in the east will make the whole herd worthless unless Favor beats the news to Abilene. Favor can’t tell the men as a man with fish distracts the men from their jobs.

    Season 4

    Episode 9

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  • season 4

    The Blue Spy

    S04 : E10

  • The Blue Spy

    A woman wanders into camp needing help. She is an actress who one of the men recognizes later. She worked as a Union spy during the war. Although most of the men hate her, one even more so as he was court-martialed due to her.

    Season 4

    Episode 10

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  • season 4

    The Gentleman’s Gentleman

    S04 : E11

  • The Gentleman’s Gentleman

    When his Lord dies after being rescued by Favor, a valet assumes the same role for Favor creating havoc on the drive. The buffalo hunter who shot the Lord is creating problems for Favor and the herd. The valet may be the key to the issues.

    Season 4

    Episode 11

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  • season 4

    Twenty-Five Santa Clauses

    S04 : E12

  • Twenty-Five Santa Clauses

    A conman and his wife con the drovers into pooling their efforts to prepare a Christmas celebration for a sickly Mexican boy. The boy isn’t sick and Rowdy ignores Favors orders to move the herd across a river trapping the herd.

    Season 4

    Episode 12

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  • season 4

    The Long Count

    S04 : E13

  • The Long Count

    Rowdy and Pete run into problems crossing a ranch owned by a lady with a rough foreman. In the nearby town the men find Clay Forrester working as a marshal taking the census. He wrangles Favor’s men to work for him on it and his scheme.

    Season 4

    Episode 13

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  • season 4

    The Captain’s Wife

    S04 : E14

  • The Captain’s Wife

    When Favor goes to a fort for supplies, he finds only civilians left to hold off Comancheros in the area. The wife of the commandant sent out the last of the soldiers on her own hoping her husband would win a promotion and trip east.

    Season 4

    Episode 14

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  • season 4

    The Peddler

    S04 : E15

  • The Peddler

    The men spot a Jewish peddler trying to herd cattle from his wagon. Favor lets him join the drive for his safety. However, over time he proves to be a lucky charm for the drive and eventually finds his own luck and love.

    Season 4

    Episode 15

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  • season 4

    The Woman Trap

    S04 : E16

  • The Woman Trap

    The drovers come across a group of women who say they headed to Fort Worth to marry homesteaders. After a dance they go their separate ways until one is found dying. Favor, Rowdy, and Hey Soos try to help but find themselves hostages, too.

    Season 4

    Episode 16

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  • season 4

    The Boss’s Daughters

    S04 : E17

  • The Boss’s Daughters

    Favor finds his path blocked at a property line by an owner protecting his rights. At the same time his two daughters and sister-in-law decide to visit the cattle drive. The rancher wants to marry his sister-in-law and adopt his daughters.

    Season 4

    Episode 17

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  • season 4

    The Deserters’ Patrol

    S04 : E18

  • The Deserters’ Patrol

    Warned not to cross Pawnee lands, Favor and Nolan ride to a nearby fort for details. They find the fort undermanned awaiting reinforcements and themselves drafted into the Army to rescue six soldiers held hostage who are really deserters.

    Season 4

    Episode 18

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  • season 4

    The Greedy Town

    S04 : E19

  • The Greedy Town

    Clad in deepest mourning, a very wealthy woman comes to the small town where her dead son robbed a bank and killed a man. She is prepared to pay each resident several years’ income if they agree to wipe her son’s crimes off the books.

    Season 4

    Episode 19

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  • season 4

    Grandma’s Money

    S04 : E20

  • Grandma’s Money

    On a trip to collect a debt, Rowdy sees an elderly woman apparently hounded by thieves. After rescuing her they go to a nearby town where Rowdy is to collect the debt and she awaits a stage. However, she frames Rowdy for multiple thefts.

    Season 4

    Episode 20

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  • season 4

    The Pitchwagon

    S04 : E21

  • The Pitchwagon

    When a drover is killed by Indians saving a pitchman, the drovers try to raise money for the his family. The pitchman suggests a rigged card game but when that fails his idea of a concert with his wife may leave the drovers high and dry.

    Season 4

    Episode 21

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  • season 4

    Hostage Child

    S04 : E22

  • Hostage Child

    A Tonkawa boy is found starving on his way to Fort Lacey to find his sister to help his starving tribe. He unknowingly unearths that Col. Briscoe known as the butcher of Indians is unwittingly married to his sister thinking she is Spanish.

    Season 4

    Episode 22

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  • season 4

    The Immigrants

    S04 : E23

  • The Immigrants

    Clay, Wishbone, and Jim find some of their cattle have anthrax and while isolated are taken captive by a Prussian military Officer and held as slaves. When they tell the other workers about American freedom, trouble erupts.

    Season 4

    Episode 23

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  • season 4

    The Child-Woman

    S04 : E24

  • The Child-Woman

    Mushy’s cousin and her younger sister are in a nearby town. The younger 15-year-old is the star attraction at the saloon. The older sister, married to the owner, wants Mushy to take her sister away but the girl resists leaving.

    Season 4

    Episode 24

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  • season 4

    A Woman’s Place

    S04 : E25

  • A Woman’s Place

    Harv’s chest is crushed by a wagon. The closest doctor is female who the men don’t trust. Complicating the situation a quack in the town is plotting to have her run out of town to save his business.

    Season 4

    Episode 25

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  • season 4


    S04 : E26

  • Reunion

    The drivers are helped by Pete Nolan who is scouting for the Army. He has worked to obtain a peace treaty with the Pawnee but the General sent to sign it and the Pawnee Chief both find conflict with their sons over it leading to tragedy.

    Season 4

    Episode 26

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  • season 4

    House of the Hunter

    S04 : E27

  • House of the Hunter

    Rowdy is kidnapped and finds himself trapped in a house with a motley group of characters who have no idea why they are being held against their will.

    Season 4

    Episode 27

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  • season 4

    Gold Fever

    S04 : E28

  • Gold Fever

    The crew stumbles on a ghost town with a prospector and his three daughters. The prospector tries to keep some of the men there for his daughters by salting a claim but it soon mushrooms out of control.

    Season 4

    Episode 28

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  • season 4

    The Devil and the Deep Blue

    S04 : E29

  • The Devil and the Deep Blue

    The herd is close to Abilene with another herd a few days behind and few buyers in Abilene. When the second herd discovers tick fever, the trail boss is murdered and Favor takes over not knowing the sick cattle are now in his herd.

    Season 4

    Episode 29

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  • season 5

    Incident of El Toro

    S05 : E1

  • Incident of El Toro

    Everything is going wrong on the trail. Men are being killed and injured, the herd is late, a river is flooding ahead and Kiowa Indians are a threat. A massive wild bull is distracting the herd and a reckless drover adds to the problems.

    Season 5

    Episode 1

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Hunter

    S05 : E2

  • Incident of the Hunter

    A man looking for a job is recognized by Rowdy and Clay. Rowdy knows him as a fellow Confederate soldier while Clay knows him as a bounty hunter. When he admits it, everyone begins to think he is after them causing the men to revolt.

    Season 5

    Episode 2

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Portrait

    S05 : E3

  • Incident of the Portrait

    After unintentionally killing a blind girl’s father, a man signs on as a drover with Favor. When Favor is asked to escort the girl to another town. Favor unwittingly assigns the man as her driver where he comes to cherish her company.

    Season 5

    Episode 3

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  • season 5

    Incident at Cactus Wells

    S05 : E4

  • Incident at Cactus Wells

    Forrester notices a man trailing the herd for a few days but he’s elusive. After one of the men stampedes the herd, the man drives in a few strays and asks for a job. The men are suspicious of his actions and they soon learn he has a past.

    Season 5

    Episode 4

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Prodigal Son

    S05 : E5

  • Incident of the Prodigal Son

    They find a young man half baked at a water hole. His attitude gets him off to a bad start with the men except for old horse wrangler Sam Hargis. The kid Ben Whitney is a rich kid but he does his job and develops a relationship with Sam.

    Season 5

    Episode 5

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Four Horsemen

    S05 : E6

  • Incident of the Four Horsemen

    The herd is caught in a possible range war over land and a woman. Favor needs additional drovers to push the herd out of the area but unknown to him the four men he is able to hire are pushing him into the war and want his herd as well.

    Season 5

    Episode 6

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Lost Woman

    S05 : E7

  • Incident of the Lost Woman

    Favor finds a passed out woman and her baby in the wilderness. The lady recovers and tells Favor her husband is dead and she is headed to California. She neglects to tell him the grandfather and uncles of the baby are after the baby.

    Season 5

    Episode 7

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Dogfaces

    S05 : E8

  • Incident of the Dogfaces

    The drovers rescue soldiers under Indian attack. Chief Broken Bow surrounds the herd. Favor finds Sgt. Duclos was involved with the death of the Chief’s son and wife. The Chief takes a settler’s wife and son hostage forcing the Sgt’s hand.

    Season 5

    Episode 8

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Wolvers

    S05 : E9

  • Incident of the Wolvers

    With Favor gone, Rowdy has a problem when a pack of wolves start causing bothering the herd. A wolfer and his family offer Rowdy a deal to handle the wolves. At first bypassing the offer, Rowdy later agrees but runs into complications.

    Season 5

    Episode 9

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  • season 5

    Incident at Sugar Creek

    S05 : E10

  • Incident at Sugar Creek

    As the herd nears Sugar Creek Sam Garrett is seriously hurt and they learn the herd is facing tick fever ahead. When the people of Sugar Creek learn Sam is with the herd, the town turns on the drovers except for Marcie who runs the saloon.

    Season 5

    Episode 10

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Reluctant Bridegroom

    S05 : E11

  • Incident of the Reluctant Bridegroom

    Wishbone and Rowdy go to town for supplies. Rowdy decides to get a bath and spend the evening on the town. At the saloon the bartenders spike the drinks he and a lady have hoping to break them up. Instead Rowdy wakes up with a bride.

    Season 5

    Episode 11

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Querencias

    S05 : E12

  • Incident of the Querencias

    Gil stops to see an old friend only to find he broke except for 30 head of cattle. He asks Gil to let him add his cattle to the herd and go to Colorado with Gil. Gil relents and does it but his men suffer for it when Lije breaks the rules.

    Season 5

    Episode 12

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  • season 5

    Incident at Quivira

    S05 : E13

  • Incident at Quivira

    Monty Fox wanders into camp dehydrated and starved. Once revived he has Mushy believing his story about Quivira which is a pot of gold and Fountain of Youth all in one. They steal supplies to search for Quivira forcing Rowdy to find them.

    Season 5

    Episode 13

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  • season 5

    Incident of Decision

    S05 : E14

  • Incident of Decision

    On the way to meet Favor Rowdy, Quince, and Hey Soos buy some cattle of their own from Harvey Calvin. Calvin’s son with a crippled leg has learned to doctor animals but wants to be a drover. Rowdy resists but he tries facing new problems.

    Season 5

    Episode 14

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Buryin’ Man

    S05 : E15

  • Incident of the Buryin’ Man

    The drive first encounters “The Buryin’ Man” with his fancy wagon and then a banker and school teacher in Cheyenne territory. The number of Cheyenne keeps increasing while they learn the newcomers are not who they appear to be.

    Season 5

    Episode 15

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Trail’s End

    S05 : E16

  • Incident of the Trail’s End

    Harry Maxton is told he is going blind and only has a year or two. Broke he runs into Favor who started with Maxton. Favor offers Maxton a job riding drag. Maxton has a rough reputation and one of the drovers, Frank Slade wants revenge.

    Season 5

    Episode 16

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  • season 5

    Incident at Spider Rock

    S05 : E17

  • Incident at Spider Rock

    The drovers go to town for supplies and some relaxation. When they see that the saloon and storekeepers are ripping them off with crooked games and bad supplies, they take the saloon apart and get new supplies – plus a saloon singer.

    Season 5

    Episode 17

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Mountain Man

    S05 : E18

  • Incident of the Mountain Man

    Rowdy and men stop a lynching of mountain man Josh Green by a wagon train. Rowdy agrees to take him, his daughter and the Father of the victim to a town for a proper trial. When Green escapes with his daughter, Rowdy goes after him.

    Season 5

    Episode 18

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  • season 5

    Incident at Crooked Hat

    S05 : E19

  • Incident at Crooked Hat

    A rider comes in and picks a gunfight with a man he believes to be gunfighter. When he is shot, Favor and the shooter take him to the doctor trapping themselves in town waiting for the Sheriff. A renewed relationship adds fuel to the fire.

    Season 5

    Episode 19

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  • season 5

    Incident of Judgment Day

    S05 : E20

  • Incident of Judgment Day

    During Rowdy’s birthday party, two ex-Confederate POW’s arrive to take Rowdy to settle an old issue. Expecting to discuss the old conflict, Rowdy finds himself on trial for his life in front of a drunk judge in a ghost town.

    Season 5

    Episode 20

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Gallows Tree

    S05 : E21

  • Incident of the Gallows Tree

    Quince wakes up in the livery stable drunk after a night on the town with some of the drovers. After he leaves, the body of the leading citizen is found behind the stable door shot. Quince is arrested the next day but remembers nothing.

    Season 5

    Episode 21

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Married Widow

    S05 : E22

  • Incident of the Married Widow

    While in town the men stop at the “salon” owned by enchanting Abigail Fletcher. A picture hangs on the wall of her late husband Gil Favor. Favor comes in to see for himself. He finds a friend needing help with Gil as her husband.

    Season 5

    Episode 22

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Pale Rider

    S05 : E23

  • Incident of the Pale Rider

    Rowdy, Hey Soos, and Calhoun go to town for supplies and money at Wells Fargo. After collecting the money, Rowdy is held up but when Calhoun interrupts the robbery, he is wounded while Rowdy kills the robber. Or does he?

    Season 5

    Episode 23

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Comanchero

    S05 : E24

  • Incident of the Comanchero

    The drovers find two stranded nuns who rescued a Comanchero near death from a torture apparatus. As the man slowly heals, the new Comanchero leader tells the drovers he wants the man back. Rowdy has to decide whether to protect him.

    Season 5

    Episode 24

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Clown

    S05 : E25

  • Incident of the Clown

    A clumsy philologist (and former circus clown) stumbles into the trail camp. The man is hoping to compile a dictionary of the Comanche language so that they and the whites can better understand each other. It’s a critical time for understanding, as the local Comanche chief is threatening war against the whites if his young son, who became ill while studying under a government education plan, fails to recover.

    Season 5

    Episode 25

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Black Ace

    S05 : E26

  • Incident of the Black Ace

    A gypsy convinces Wishbone that he is going to die, so Wishbone becomes very kind to the drovers so he can have mourners at his funeral. Meanwhile, a wealthy man has paid $500 for the gypsy’s daughter, and comes to collect his bride.

    Season 5

    Episode 26

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  • season 5

    Incident of the Hostages

    S05 : E27

  • Incident of the Hostages

    Taking in three White children kidnapped by passing Arapahos puts the fatherly drovers in peril. Longing to return to the Apaches who raised them after white men killed their settler parents, Yellow Sky and her younger siblings resist the drovers’ every step toward turning them over to authorities in the next town. Arapahos seized the children from the Apaches during tribal warfare. Widower Gil, who misses his two daughters, expects gratitude for a noble act, but the Apache chief, Ulzana, wants the children back and will fight the drovers for them, if necessary.

    Season 5

    Episode 27

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  • season 5

    Incident of White Eyes

    S05 : E28

  • Incident of White Eyes

    Favor and Hey Soos stop a runaway stagecoach with a dying driver and several passengers after an Indian attack. Favor leads the coach to the next station. Apaches are waiting and Favor soon learns why along with the other passengers.

    Season 5

    Episode 28

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  • season 5

    Incident at Rio Doloroso

    S05 : E29

  • Incident at Rio Doloroso

    Rowdy and Wishbone are warned the herd is crossing private land but Rowdy neglects to give Favor the details. When the locals try to stampede the herd, their leader is killed by the cattle but Favor and Rowdy are sentenced to die for it.

    Season 5

    Episode 29

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  • season 5

    Incident at Alkali Sink

    S05 : E30

  • Incident at Alkali Sink

    Rowdy, running the drive, returns to camp to find it in the midst of a wedding between Burt Harvey and Lorraine Stanton. After the wedding, Lorraine’s father Cliff arrives calling Burt a coward and trying to break up the couple.

    Season 5

    Episode 30

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  • season 5


    S05 : E31

  • Abilene

    One of the drovers falls sick the night before they end the drive at Abilene. The sick man may have smallpox forcing the sheriff to quarantine the men. Favor needs to leave to seal a deal on a ranch and an old foe of Rowdy wants revenge.

    Season 5

    Episode 31

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Red Wind

    S06 : E1

  • Incident of the Red Wind

    Rowdy scouts for water as the herd moves into desert. He finds a man who signs on as a drover that says the direction they are headed has water but Rowdy doubts it. When Favor is hurt, Rowdy takes over but there is friction between them.

    Season 6

    Episode 1

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  • season 6

    Incident of Iron Bull

    S06 : E2

  • Incident of Iron Bull

    Rowdy hires a Comanche who “supposedly” returns their remuda. Favor returns with Colonel Macklin who wiped out the Comanches. Macklin and Clanton, a drover, have problems with any Comanche leading to bigger issues for Favor and the drovers

    Season 6

    Episode 2

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  • season 6

    Incident at El Crucero

    S06 : E3

  • Incident at El Crucero

    With a barbed wire fence in their path, Rowdy learns the hard way that Rose Cornilius and her many brothers are a bigger problem. Events enable Rowdy to have Favor declared Sheriff to fight Rose but Favor prefers romance.

    Season 6

    Episode 3

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Travellin’ Man

    S06 : E4

  • Incident of the Travellin’ Man

    Gil orders his drovers to haul Bolivar Jagger out of a river, even though the sick man’s wearing leg irons. Despite the mush-mouthed Jagger’s far-fetched story and the fact that he pulled an ax on the crew, Gil decides to take him along to the next town and let a Marshal sort out the truth. But then the Harger brothers show up, throwing down a rope to lynch Jagger, claiming he beat their father and killed a Sheriff.

    Season 6

    Episode 4

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  • season 6

    Incident at Paradise

    S06 : E5

  • Incident at Paradise

    Rowdy rescues a nester from a rancher’s men as the nester refuses to fight. The drovers are drawn into the conflict with the rancher deciding to block Favor’s herd as well. However, high water threatens everyone in the valley.

    Season 6

    Episode 5

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  • season 6

    Incident at Farragut Pass

    S06 : E6

  • Incident at Farragut Pass

    Elizabeth Farragut forces Favor to take son Billy on as a drover hoping he can make a responsible man out of Billy. Billy is making no friends with the drovers but his attention to Mushy gains him one friend but will he learn anything.

    Season 6

    Episode 6

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  • season 6

    Incident at Two Graves

    S06 : E7

  • Incident at Two Graves

    Rowdy decides to help a prize fighter who threw a fight to him when the town decides to tar and feather him. He is carrying a heavy mystery package heading into dangerous Indian Territory where he leaves the drive with Rowdy following.

    Season 6

    Episode 7

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Rawhiders

    S06 : E8

  • Incident of the Rawhiders

    While scouting Rowdy stumbles on rawhiders. After Rowdy refuses to kill Brock in a fight, the leader forces Brock to give Rowdy his intended bride in return for his life. Rowdy is allowed to escape leading the rawhiders to the herd.

    Season 6

    Episode 8

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Prophecy

    S06 : E9

  • Incident of the Prophecy

    Rowdy and Rabbit are shooting a school bell to make noise when a citizen notices a man is dead. He is a gunslinger while his brother is a preacher. The men are urged to leave town as the preacher puts a death curse on them.

    Season 6

    Episode 9

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  • season 6

    Incident at Confidence Creek

    S06 : E10

  • Incident at Confidence Creek

    A con artist and assistant steal the ownership papers for the herd at Confidence Creek and sell the herd to the local bank. The drovers are arrested but Rowdy is bailed out to recover the money by the assistant when she is scammed as well.

    Season 6

    Episode 10

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Death Dancer

    S06 : E11

  • Incident of the Death Dancer

    Quince and Mushy are returning from town when they hear what they think is a puma. Mushy wanders away and is knocked out by the cat and rescued by a stranger. The man tells them it is not a puma but an African lion he is hunting.

    Season 6

    Episode 11

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Wild Deuces

    S06 : E12

  • Incident of the Wild Deuces

    While Rowdy and Wishbone buy supplies in town the ailing Mushy is persuaded to play poker. He chooses seven card stud deuces wild. He wins over $1500 in the game. People are after his money and the consequences cause everyone headaches.

    Season 6

    Episode 12

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Geisha

    S06 : E13

  • Incident of the Geisha

    Hey Soos makes a series of mistakes. When a limb knocks him off his horse and out, he is found by Nami, a Japanese servant girl. She surprises the drovers with her ideas and methods. The Kiowa think she is a mythical princess and want her.

    Season 6

    Episode 13

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  • season 6

    Incident at Ten Trees

    S06 : E14

  • Incident at Ten Trees

    The drovers hear an owl at night – the human type. As they search around the camp Favor finds a young woman. Although dirty, they soon discover she is white but out of her mind. The Cheyenne want to kill as they believe she is a witch.

    Season 6

    Episode 14

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Rusty Shotgun

    S06 : E15

  • Incident of the Rusty Shotgun

    After a stampede Mushy and Wishbone go to town for fresh supplies. When Wishbone is able to stop Amie Claybank from harassing a vendor, her brothers decide he is the man for her. Back at camp, Mushy says Wishbone disappeared.

    Season 6

    Episode 15

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  • season 6

    Incident of Midnight Cave

    S06 : E16

  • Incident of Midnight Cave

    Wishbone develops a mysterious blindness after a scary encounter with a dangerous cliff and an innocuous fall. A doctor finds no physical reason for the blindness. A psychological reaction to childhood trauma is suspected as the cause.

    Season 6

    Episode 16

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Dowery Dundee

    S06 : E17

  • Incident of the Dowery Dundee

    Rowdy and Jim looking for strays, return with five – four bulls and a lost Scottish lady returning to Scotland. She says her husband stole her inheritance so she is taking her remaining items home with her plus a surprise for all.

    Season 6

    Episode 17

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  • season 6

    Incident at Gila Flats

    S06 : E18

  • Incident at Gila Flats

    The drovers find a Sergeant carrying a dead soldier in Apache country. They send for the Army learning the Apaches are due 200 cattle to keep a treaty. A renegade stands in the way. Favor, Jim, and Wishbone help try to deliver the cattle.

    Season 6

    Episode 18

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Pied Piper

    S06 : E19

  • Incident of the Pied Piper

    After a tornado scatters the herd, they are a 100 head short. They learn a man running an orphanage sold them to the local banker. Realizing the banker is the guilty party, Favor decides to teach him a lesson and recover some of his money.

    Season 6

    Episode 19

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Swindler

    S06 : E20

  • Incident of the Swindler

    Straw Coleman is caught trying to steal a horse and saddle while in chains. The drovers are shocked when Wishbone pulls a gun on them and helps Coleman escape. Favor and Mushy go after them to find why Wishbone has strayed.

    Season 6

    Episode 20

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Wanderer

    S06 : E21

  • Incident of the Wanderer

    During a rainstorm the men see a man who disappears but eventually comes into camp – dry. His name is Michob – the same as the wanderer in a book of legends owned by Wishbone. When bad things occur, some of the men think he is a jinx.

    Season 6

    Episode 21

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  • season 6

    Incident at Zebulon

    S06 : E22

  • Incident at Zebulon

    A Zebulon vigilante group takes Johnny Larkin away for murder. Favor follows to protect Johnny. However, Johnny is hanged and Favor is horsewhipped. Favor returns there alone with revenge on his mind looking for the man called the Major.

    Season 6

    Episode 22

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  • season 6

    Incident at Hourglass

    S06 : E23

  • Incident at Hourglass

    Favor visits an Army camp building a dam to ask for a delay to move the herd. He finds a childhood friend who asks him to stay for dinner with her and her husband who is in charge. He gets the meal and a charge of murder for killing a Lt.

    Season 6

    Episode 23

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Odyssey

    S06 : E24

  • Incident of the Odyssey

    The drovers are becoming disgruntled as Favor is pushing hard to outrun hoof and mouth disease. Pan, an ex-circus performer, searching for a lady he heard singing eleven years earlier.

    Season 6

    Episode 24

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Banker

    S06 : E25

  • Incident of the Banker

    After a rain storm wipes out the wagons, Favor goes to town to cash a bank draft and buy supplies. Favor’s friend the banker wants to prove he is a man so he tricks Favor into trading jobs so he can prove to his overbearing wife his point.

    Season 6

    Episode 25

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  • season 6

    Incident at Deadhorse: Part I

    S06 : E26

  • Incident at Deadhorse: Part I

    The town’s richest and most popular man is convicted and sentenced to be hung for the revenge murder of his son’s killer. He is undaunted by this because he is counting on no one in town be willing to act as executioner.

    Season 6

    Episode 26

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  • season 6

    Incident at Deadhorse: Part II

    S06 : E27

  • Incident at Deadhorse: Part II

    When Wishbone and Mushy realize Hannibal is not safe they try to help. They are brought back tied up while Hannibal is tarred and feathered. Hannibal returns to Deadhorse and the men want to help him against Favor’s better judgment.

    Season 6

    Episode 27

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Gilded Goddess

    S06 : E28

  • Incident of the Gilded Goddess

    An attractive woman collapses near camp due to exhaustion. After recovering she and Rowdy recognize each other. She is happy to see him but Rowdy is not so happy to see her. She eventually reveals she is on the run for killing a sheriff.

    Season 6

    Episode 28

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  • season 6

    Incident at Seven Fingers

    S06 : E29

  • Incident at Seven Fingers

    Sgt Turner (William Marshall) is a fugitive from the Army. On the lam, he meets Rowdy and steals his horse. But because he spared Rowdy’s life, when Rowdy captures him, Rowdy gives him work in the trail drive. Eventually, the solders pursuing Turner finally capture him. The Sergeant is one of the black “Buffalo Soldiers,” who are keen on proving their worth to the skeptical army. The white Captain son of a General has been guilty of certain past offenses, and so is put in charge of the black outfit to prove his worth as well. The problem had been that the Captain has been suffering from blackouts from an old war injury. If the Army knows of the blackouts, the Captain’s career is over. Sgt. Turner is a loyal subordinate of the General, so he volunteered to go West with the Captain (the General’s son) to keep an eye on him and keep the blackout problem hidden. In a battle against the Indians, Sgt, Turner leaves his post to tend the Captain’s blackout. After the battle he accepts the false charge of cowardice in action rather than admit that he was tending the captain. That is why he was a fugitive from the Army. Favor investigates the charges.

    Season 6

    Episode 29

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  • season 6

    Incident of the Peyote Cup

    S06 : E30

  • Incident of the Peyote Cup

    Hey Soos is forced to drink Peyote juice by Indians. He has hallucinations but before they harm him further an Indian girl takes him to the camp where he recovers. Drover Mister Brothers has been looking for this band of Indians for years.

    Season 6

    Episode 30

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  • season 7

    The Race

    S07 : E1

  • The Race

    Yates and Favor argue over giving the drovers time off but Favor has a herd lined up to leave the next day. Rowdy quits but on Favor’s word is offered a herd of his own. He vows to beat Favor but will skill or luck be the deciding factor?

    Season 7

    Episode 1

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  • season 7

    The Enormous Fist

    S07 : E2

  • The Enormous Fist

    When Favor hits a man looking for a job, the man hits a fence killing him. Favor is faced with several men wanting revenge at an inquest and the man’s young and poor but pretty widow with kids wanting Favor to take her with him.

    Season 7

    Episode 2

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  • season 7


    S07 : E3

  • Piney

    Favor hears Piney Kinney wants to join the herd thinking it will solve his need for drovers. However, Piney who lost his herd and most of his ranch, is working with a gang to rob the bank and use Favor’s herd as cover for their escape.

    Season 7

    Episode 3

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  • season 7

    The Lost Herd

    S07 : E4

  • The Lost Herd

    Favor sees his herd destroyed after he takes a calculated risk in taking a dangerous short cut to get the herd to market ahead of a rival. Favor and the owners have to decide if he is up to bossing another herd.

    Season 7

    Episode 4

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  • season 7

    A Man Called Mushy

    S07 : E5

  • A Man Called Mushy

    At trails end, Mushy is embarrassed and denounced by Favor for being conned out of the drive’s wagons and supplies by a band of Gypsies. Dejected, Mushy wanders off alone in the desert to be followed by Favor and Rowdy.

    Season 7

    Episode 5

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  • season 7


    S07 : E6

  • Canliss

    Storied hired gun Gurd stalks an Hispanic cattleman, while Gil’s drovers join the Don’s peasants to celebrate. Gurd’s young wife pleads with him to drop the assignment, & retire to her family plantation, but the aging Gurd’s reputation won’t let him, so she seeks Gil’s help.

    Season 7

    Episode 6

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  • season 7

    Damon’s Road: Part I

    S07 : E7

  • Damon’s Road: Part I

    Damon is broke and needs workers to finish his railroad into Oxford. The 28 men on Favor’s crew are the ticket to do the work. Damon concocts a fight with the drovers while Favor is charged with abducting his girlfriend to trap them.

    Season 7

    Episode 7

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  • season 7

    Damon’s Road: Part II

    S07 : E8

  • Damon’s Road: Part II

    Favor breaks out of jail and gets the unpaid railroad workers to demand their jobs back by lying to them that Damon has had their pay money all along. A workers battle is averted with a first fight between Favor and Damon.

    Season 7

    Episode 8

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  • season 7

    The Backshooter

    S07 : E9

  • The Backshooter

    A fugitive convinces Rowdy to bring him to the sheriff and hand over the reward to his wife. But the fugitive is murdered on the way to the sheriff, no wife can be found, and three friends of the fugitive are out to kill Rowdy.

    Season 7

    Episode 9

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  • season 7

    Corporal Dasovik

    S07 : E10

  • Corporal Dasovik

    When a officer dies, Cpl. Dasovik is forced to take over the mission but he has no control over the men. The men pick up Favor when they take some of his cattle. Dasovik soon learns he is alone but he is determined to carry out his orders.

    Season 7

    Episode 10

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  • season 7

    The Photographer

    S07 : E11

  • The Photographer

    Mathew Brady’s ex-assistant uses the drovers as his models, so Gil’s thrilled to let the frontier paparazzo go, to snap pix of Shoshone, who Gil knows have moved on. Because Rowdy let lens-man Taylor Dickson subvert the drive, Gil orders his ramrod to accompany the grandiose photojournalist on the bogus shoot. But instead of a nice empty canyon, the mismatched pair run into the Bad Skin Gang, a fearsome collection of under-publicized killers, on a rendezvous to divvy up the loot from a huge bank heist.

    Season 7

    Episode 11

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  • season 7

    No Dogs or Drovers

    S07 : E12

  • No Dogs or Drovers

    The drive reaches Junction City so the men are ready to blow off steam. They want hotel rooms, good food, and baths. Their reception in Junction City is icy at best including the livery stable and Favor seems to be ignoring their plight.

    Season 7

    Episode 12

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  • season 7

    The Meeting

    S07 : E13

  • The Meeting

    Favor and another trail boss are taken by force to a remote cabin where they are held by some of the West’s most wanted outlaws, who have been summoned there by a man who plans to use them, and the trail bosses, in a grandiose scheme involving the nation’s beef industry.

    Season 7

    Episode 13

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  • season 7

    The Book

    S07 : E14

  • The Book

    Smooth-talking Pop Starke tries to talk Rowdy and another drover into working with him participating in traveling “shooting contests”. What Starke is actually looking for is his next gunfighter to place bets on when he squares him off against a legendary veteran gunman who is getting weary of killing.

    Season 7

    Episode 14

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  • season 7


    S07 : E15

  • Josh

    At the end of a drive, Favor fed up with bad luck takes it out on old Josh. When a potential inheritance turns out to be a dream, Josh’s pride gets in the way of realizing he must bend sometimes when others want to help him.

    Season 7

    Episode 15

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  • season 7

    A Time for Waiting

    S07 : E16

  • A Time for Waiting

    Rowdy had given testimony against his friend Capt. Ballinger, resulting in a death sentence. Now Ballinger has called on Rowdy to witness the possible execution unless a way can be found to escape that punishment.

    Season 7

    Episode 16

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  • season 7

    Moment in the Sun

    S07 : E17

  • Moment in the Sun

    Marshal Shaw arrests outlaw Reed McCuller. Shaw tries to use Favor’s drive as cover to avoid a posse led by Lindsay McCuller, who wants his brother dead, are onto the plan. A stampede results. Shaw is killed by Lindsay but the law arrives.

    Season 7

    Episode 17

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  • season 7

    Texas Fever

    S07 : E18

  • Texas Fever

    Pete Nolan (Sheb Wooley), who’d been out scouting for the Army for the last couple of years, is back working for Favor starting in this episode, only to find himself falsely accused of rustling and murder. The local sheriff and some cattlemen, who’ve been victimized by the rustlers, are too willing to hang him quickly without any real trial. Favor and Rowdy try to find the real rustlers and save Pete from the gallows, though the trail may lead too close to a friendly rancher Favor respects.

    Season 7

    Episode 18

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  • season 7

    Blood Harvest

    S07 : E19

  • Blood Harvest

    Clete Bonner and his grandson Will are taken in by Favor and his men. Bonner is actually checking up on Cable, one of the drovers, who is really Bonner’s son and Will’s father, though the boy doesn’t know it and Cable doesn’t recognize his own father anymore. Unfortunately Cable is plotting with two other drovers to steal some horses Favor intends to purchase.

    Season 7

    Episode 19

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  • season 7

    The Violent Land

    S07 : E20

  • The Violent Land

    In Apache land Rowdy is sent to recover cattle taken by them. The Chief agrees to return them but the agreement is messed up by some of the drovers. A wounded Rowdy discovers the Apache have white captives increasing the tension.

    Season 7

    Episode 20

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  • season 7

    The Winter Soldier

    S07 : E21

  • The Winter Soldier

    An Army deserter has left stolen Army property at Favor’s camp (leading to Favor’s arrest by an Army detail), and the deserter is intent on stealing money from a father and daughter who have recently left the drovers’ camp alone.

    Season 7

    Episode 21

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  • season 7

    Prairie Fire

    S07 : E22

  • Prairie Fire

    Wishbone is supposed to be bringing a dead friend’s herd to join the drive while Favor is faced with a raging prairie fire that threatens the herd. However, Wishbone learns his friend’s ranch hands have a different plan for the herd.

    Season 7

    Episode 22

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  • season 7


    S07 : E23

  • Retreat

    Army Major, commander of his post, feeling denigrated by the Army, steals the Army’s cash on his last day and packages it for Favor to mail to the Major who plans to abscond, but new information causes him to try returning it to Army.

    Season 7

    Episode 23

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  • season 7

    The Empty Sleeve

    S07 : E24

  • The Empty Sleeve

    When the herd refuses to drink or cross a river, Favor sends for a vet and a one-armed man shows up wanting a drover job. Rowdy learns the cattle need salt and the new hand knows where to find it nearby. However, he doesn’t want to go there.

    Season 7

    Episode 24

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  • season 7

    The Last Order

    S07 : E25

  • The Last Order

    A wounded man wanders into camp with the strong box from a stagecoach robbery. Favor decides to hold the money till the next town but when two of the robbers enter camp and one gets away, the drive is hit with dangers from the robbers.

    Season 7

    Episode 25

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  • season 7

    Mrs. Harmon

    S07 : E26

  • Mrs. Harmon

    Wishbone quits the cattle drive because he falls in love with a family of three boys and an abused wife. The wife shoots her drunken husband when he starts beating Wishbone, who takes responsibility for the shooting to protect her.

    Season 7

    Episode 26

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  • season 7

    The Calf Women

    S07 : E27

  • The Calf Women

    Two calf women picking up calves drives don’t want join the drovers. Rowdy comes to like the older dowdy sister but when a member of a buffalo hunt is killed by her for attacking her younger sister, Rowdy is threatened by his brother.

    Season 7

    Episode 27

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  • season 7

    The Spanish Camp

    S07 : E28

  • The Spanish Camp

    A group of men searching for old Spanish treasure stubbornly refuses to let the cattle drive come through the area of their diggings, even though the herd desperately needs the water in the area. When Wishbone is injured, Favor needs to rely on the leader of the group, a former doctor, to save him.

    Season 7

    Episode 28

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  • season 7

    El Hombre Bravo

    S07 : E29

  • El Hombre Bravo

    A group of Mexican federales meet Favor on the trail and tell him they are looking for a revolutionary known as El Hombre Bravo. Later, Favor and Mushy meet a schoolteacher leading a group of children across the border—who admits that he is the man the federales are looking for.

    Season 7

    Episode 29

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  • season 7

    The Gray Rock Hotel

    S07 : E30

  • The Gray Rock Hotel

    Several of Favor’s men are sick with a mysterious illness. Favor and the sick men make it to the abandoned Gray Rock Hotel where they are protected from the cold and wind. They find a beautiful but strange woman with dangerous past.

    Season 7

    Episode 30

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  • season 8

    Encounter at Boot Hill

    S08 : E1

  • Encounter at Boot Hill

    One of Rowdy’s drovers is killed and another wounded trying to stop a lynching. Looking for justice for his men, Rowdy runs into a town run by a power hungry sheriff and deputy, who are protecting the father and son who did the shooting.

    Season 8

    Episode 1

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  • season 8

    Ride a Crooked Mile

    S08 : E2

  • Ride a Crooked Mile

    Jed convinces Rowdy against his better judgment to hire Danny Hawks who is riding an expensive stallion. Danny proves to be a capable drover but when Nat Benson wants Danny and the stallion handed over, Rowdy finds himself in a bind.

    Season 8

    Episode 2

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  • season 8

    Six Weeks to Bent Fork

    S08 : E3

  • Six Weeks to Bent Fork

    Rowdy is a week late to start a drive with a tight deadline. If they make the it, a big bonus awaits. However, Rowdy has to take Lash Whitcomb as his Segundo. Lash drives the men hard but near the end Rowdy learns why Lash is on the drive.

    Season 8

    Episode 3

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  • season 8

    Walk into Terror

    S08 : E4

  • Walk into Terror

    While checking a mine, it caves in on Quince and Blake trapping them. One of the drovers noticed old explosives nearby. He and his friend offer to blow the mine open for $500. However, the two men prove to be as unstable as the explosive.

    Season 8

    Episode 4

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  • season 8

    Escort to Doom

    S08 : E5

  • Escort to Doom

    Short on men Rowdy encounters Chiricahua Indians led by a white chief. Against the advice of his men, Rowdy hires them to help drive the herd to the river for a few cattle. Unsure of his new hands a band of Pawnee add to the intrigue.

    Season 8

    Episode 5

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  • season 8

    Hostage for Hanging

    S08 : E6

  • Hostage for Hanging

    Rowdy makes a deal to buy horses from the Gufflers. When he finds the horses are poor quality and wants his money back, Ma Guffler wants her money. She takes Rowdy hostage threatening to hang him at sundown if she doesn’t receive $3,000.

    Season 8

    Episode 6

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  • season 8

    The Vasquez Woman

    S08 : E7

  • The Vasquez Woman

    The men buy 200 cattle to take north so the drovers can make some cash for themselves. However, Col. Vasquez takes the cattle giving them 40,000 pesos from a rogue government. Jud tries to recover their money but ends up with Mrs. Vasquez.

    Season 8

    Episode 7

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  • season 8

    Clash at Broken Bluff

    S08 : E8

  • Clash at Broken Bluff

    The herd needs cover from a potential storm but the only cover is owned by a widow who is a suffragette. She is in a battle with the bar owner and mayor of Broken Bluff. They want the drovers to vote against the women in return for help.

    Season 8

    Episode 8

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  • season 8

    The Pursuit

    S08 : E9

  • The Pursuit

    After he is shot at, Jed returns to camp to find a US Marshal wants him for murder but he was cleared. Jed decides to run so the Marshal arrests Rowdy for helping him. Jed turns himself in to clear Rowdy but his fate is less certain.

    Season 8

    Episode 9

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  • season 8

    Duel at Daybreak

    S08 : E10

  • Duel at Daybreak

    The sadistic top hand of the rancher Rowdy is delivering cattle to bullies and humiliates one of the drovers when the young man shows interest in the rancher’s daughter. Despite Rowdy and Jed’s attempts to talk him out of it, the young drover is determined to avenge his honor with a duel.

    Season 8

    Episode 10

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  • season 8

    Brush War at Buford

    S08 : E11

  • Brush War at Buford

    Rowdy fights to drive his steers across the Red River without getting into a range war between ruthless carpetbagger Duke Aberdeen, and Southern gentleman Major Buford. A raid into Pennsylvania ravaged the Duke’s town. Most of Rowdy’s crew fought for the Confederacy – but they don’t want to chomp on the past. So when Buford’s son Court ground-drags one of the Duke’s hired guns, Rowdy cuts the rope. Because Court’s mother died after their Virginia plantation was torched, the young hothead wants revenge. Rowdy’s agreed to take Buford’s beef into his herd. Duke controls the Cattlemen’s Association, so his gunmen act as its stock inspectors, claiming that many of Buford’s stock are rustled, because their original brands appear blotted out.

    Season 8

    Episode 11

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  • season 8

    The Testing Post

    S08 : E12

  • The Testing Post

    When a detachment of army cavalry requisitions a hundred head of cattle from the drovers, Rowdy attempts to get reimbursed by the army. To his chagrin, he discovers the cavalry officers are really cattle rustlers.

    Season 8

    Episode 12

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  • season 8

    Crossing at White Feather

    S08 : E13

  • Crossing at White Feather

    Rowdy hires a drunk to lead the herd across a dangerous river. The man is afraid, fakes an injury, and tries to sell a third of Rowdy’s herd to a conman. Rowdy helps the young son to cope with his father by talking about his own father.

    Season 8

    Episode 13

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